Office of
Research Services


When work on your project is to be done by an entitity outside of UMKC, first determine if you will be dealing with a subcontract, consultant, or a vendor.

A subcontractor is an organization, not an individual, that will make a significant contribution to the design and conduct of your research project. A consultant is an individual who is hired to give professional advice or services for a fee. A vendor provides goods and services within normal business operations and to many different purchasers.

The Pre-Award Office prepares and administers subcontracts to corporations, other universities, nonprofits, and other organizations. If you require services from an individual—e.g., for consulting services—you will need to work with the Office of Business Services to create a consulting agreement for that individual. 

Determine if You Need a Subcontract

When work on your project is to be done by an entitity outside of UMKC, first determine if you will be dealing with a subcontract, consultant, or a vendor. A subcontractor is an organization, not an individual, that will make a significant contribution to the design and conduct of your research project. A consultant is an individual who is hired to give professional advice or services for a fee. A vendor provides goods and services within normal business operations and to many different purchasers.

The Pre-Award Office prepares and administers subcontracts to corporations, other universities, nonprofits, and other organizations. If you require services from an individual—e.g., for consulting services—you will need to work with the Office of Business Services to create a consulting agreement for that individual. 

Please keep ORS informed and updated about all pertinent subcontract information. 
When UMKC is the lead or prime organization, you will need to send ORS the following  information from the subcontracting institution at the same time you send in your PeopleSoft pages.

1. Signed Letter of Intent to Create a Subcontract

The subcontracted institution will need to complete and submit a Letter of Intent to Form Subcontract (Doc) on the institution’s own letterhead. (If applicable, the subcontracted institution may use its own standard Letter of Intent.)

The Letter of Intent should be signed by an official who is authorized to obligate resources.  The letter should address the entity's ability to follow the PHS regulations regarding financial conflicts of interest.

2. A detailed budget for the subcontracting work, including a budget narrative

Remember that all subcontract costs (indirect and direct) are direct costs for UMKC and your research project.

The subcontractor may include indirect costs in their budget only if the subcontractor has a federally approved F&A rate.

3. The scope of work from the subcontracting institution

4. The subcontracting institution's federally negotiated F&A agreement letter


Ask the subcontracted institution to submit a copy of its F&A (indirect cost) agreement. 

If your proposal is going to a federal agency and your subcontractor is not in compliance with Public Health Service (PHS) regulations on Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which PHS Funding is Sought (42 C.F.R. Part 50, Subpart F) and Responsible Prospective Contractors (45 C.F.R. Part 94), we will need the following items, as well.

5. Conflict of Interest mini-course Curriculum Completion Report

UMKC has contracted with Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) to provide investigators conflict of interest training.  In order to receive this report, you will need to complete the mini-course by logging into CITI.  Choose UMKC as your affiliated institution.

Please keep ORS informed and updated about all pertinent subcontract information.

When UMKC is the lead or prime organization, you will need to send ORS the following information from the subcontracting institution at the same time you send in your PeopleSoft pages.

1. Signed Letter of Intent to Create a Subcontract

The subcontracted institution will need to complete and submit a Letter of Intent to Form Subcontract (Doc) on the institution’s own letterhead. (If applicable, the subcontracted institution may use its own standard Letter of Intent.)

The Letter of Intent should be signed by an official who is authorized to obligate resources.

2. A detailed budget for the subcontracting work, including a budget narrative

Remember that all subcontract costs (indirect and direct) are direct costs for UMKC and your research project.

The subcontractor may include indirect costs in their budget only if the subcontractor has a federally approved F&A rate.

3. The scope of work from the subcontracting institution

4. The subcontracting institution's federally negotiated F&A agreement letter

Ask the subcontracted institution to submit a copy of its F&A (indirect cost) agreement.   

UMKC as a Subcontractor

When UMKC is the proposed subcontractor for another institution’s research project, institutional authorization by the Office of Research Services is necessary at or before the time of the prime grant application. It is necessary for ORS to receive your signed PeopleSoft pages before we can create your letter of intent to form a subcontract with another institution.

Work with your sponsor insitution to determine the requirements for submission. Remember their deadlines may be sooner than the prime sponsor.  If a letter of intent to form a subcontract is needed, the Pre-Award Office will use information you provide online to create it for the sponsor.  After the letter has been signed by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Resesarch, we will return it to the UMKC subcontract PI to send to the sponsor.

Request a letter of intent to subcontract

The online information is submitted by automated email to ORS.  A copy of the email will be sent to the contact email address entered below.  The same email address will be used if additional information is needed. The PI is responsible for submitting the letter, detailed budget, and a scope of work to our sponsor.