Initial IRB Submissions through eCompliance
Note: eProtocol and eCompliance are not compatible systems. This means your eProtocol study(ies) will not automatically transfer to the new system. That action will need to be done by the PI or a member of the research team.
- Log into eCompliance (with your UMKC SSO)
- Select Institutional Review Board
- Select IRB Forms
- Here you will be provided a multitude of application types including:
7. Select the appropriate application type
For Continuing Review Applications
You must enter the application as if it were an initial application. However, to indicate it as a continuing review please include the eProtocol IRB # and attach a copy of the Continuing review document for eProtocol to eCompliance transition (Doc).
For Amendment Applications
You must enter the application as if it were an initial application. However, to indicate it as an amendment please include the eProtocol IRB # and attach a copy of a document that identifies the changes being proposed. The attachment of this document will aid in the speed of review.