Office of
Research Services

IACUC Meeting and Inspection Schedule


The Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy), section IV.B.1.-2., requires the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to review the institution's program for humane care and use of animals and inspect all of the institution's animal facilities at least once every 6 months using the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Eighth Edition (Guide) as a basis for evaluation. We have developed the Semiannual Program Review and Facility Inspection Checklist to help you conduct your semiannual reviews of programs and facilities for the care and use of animals.

LARC Facility and Procedure Room Inspections will occur every six months, typically in February and August.  

Posting Requirements

The PI must post on the wall or door of the lab:


Each inspection must be attended by:

  • Attending veterinarian
  • 2 IACUC Members

Inspection and Program Review Checklists

The semi-annual inspections will follow this checklist:

The semi-annual program review will follow this checklist

Study Area/Lab Area Inspection Schedule

The IACUC will inspect any laboratories (outside of the LARC) where animal work is being conducted. Those labs where animals are housed for more the 12 hours will be inspected for temperature, humidity, light cycle, and other factors. They are also subject to inspections by regulatory officials.

IACUC 2024 Meeting Dates

IACUC meetings are open access with advance notice. If you are interested in attending an IACUC meeting contact the IACUC office at or 816 235-1764 for time, date and location.

The IACUC meets every second Thursday at 2 p.m.